import { type RichTextItemResponse } from '@notionhq/client/build/src/api-endpoints' import clsx from 'clsx' import dynamic from 'next/dynamic' import { type FC, Fragment, Suspense } from 'react' import HybridLink from './HybridLink' const TeX = dynamic(() => import('@matejmazur/react-katex')) const RichText: FC<{ richText: RichTextItemResponse[] }> = ({ richText }) => { return ( <> {, index) => { if (text.type === 'mention') return null // TODO else if (text.type === 'text') { const className = clsx({ italic: text.annotations.italic, 'font-bold': text.annotations.bold, underline: text.annotations.underline, 'dark:bg-neutral-800 border-1 dark:border-neutral-500 font-mono dark:text-red-400 p-1 rounded': text.annotations.code, strikethrough: text.annotations.strikethrough, }) if (text.href) return ( {/* The above "hack" is so that we don't get empty `class`es all over the HTML */} {text.plain_text} ) else return className ? ( {text.plain_text} ) : ( {text.plain_text} ) } else if (text.type === 'equation') return {text.equation.expression} })} ) } export default RichText